PSP unlocked, again
Hackers colabourate to break v. 3.03
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By: bossmanthe | Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 10:53:00 AM | |
Hackers colabourate to break v. 3.03
By: bossmanthe | Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 10:53:00 AM | |
I’ve given the topic of how many founders are needed for startups some
thought. My personal opinion is at least two, but no more than three.
Hence, the “2.09” number in the title of this article works (and
there’s some basis for this, which I’ll explain later).
Kind of like "I'll crush your head" - 'cept better.
By: bossmanthe | Friday, February 23, 2007 at 11:30:00 AM | |
Not all Nintendo DS systems look boring. These five examples take creativity to a whole new level. Highlights include the NES Controller mod, [SEGA] MegaDrive, and more
Labels: Nintendo DS Console
By: bossmanthe | Tuesday, February 20, 2007 at 11:30:00 AM | |
More than five years after the 9/11 terror attacks, some first responders realize they are dying, but they continue to remain silent about 9/11. What is their problem? Interesting link about the 911 Dust ...
Labels: 9/11 terrorism
OpenCola is a brand of cola unique in that the instructions for making it are freely available and modifiable. Anybody can make the drink, and anyone can modify and improve on the recipe as long as they, too, license their recipe under the GNU General Public License.
By: bossmanthe | Monday, February 19, 2007 at 11:19:00 AM | |
Apparently 270,000 pounds of ice went into the construction of the 1,800 square foot structure, which includes a fully sculpted kitchen, dining room, study, living room, two bedrooms and bathroom all wired-up with televisions and computers (real, as opposed to of the ice variety) running demos of Vista and Office 2007.
Now that Google's Gmail is open for everyone worldwide, free of charge,
Google's Sergey Brin has been
rumored to have said that they will start selling upgraded packages
for additional data storage capacities. They have found out that there are many
users that have extraordinary storage needs for online email, and will be
sorting out different packages that will be introduced later this year. The
charges could be inline with Google's Picasa
online photo storage service that comes with 250MB of free storage but charges
yearly fees of US$25 for 6.25GB up to $500 for 250GB of storage.
[via Download Squad]
By: bossmanthe | Thursday, February 15, 2007 at 9:38:00 AM | |
Horntones FX-550 is a device that ties into your car's existing horn and allows you to play any audio file. When this product is released in April it will retail for $149.99 US, you can pre-order the Horntones on February 15.
By: bossmanthe | Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at 2:47:00 PM | |
The Dept. of Homeland Security has released these signs to help you prepare for an attack. Now has provided their own interpretation, hilarity ensued.
By: bossmanthe | Tuesday, February 13, 2007 at 3:33:00 PM | |
A great article on Simple Email Workflow. Some really great ideas. Microsoft, Mozilla, are you guys listening?
Very in depth tutorial hand holding you through the process.
By: bossmanthe | Monday, February 12, 2007 at 4:32:00 PM | |
So most of you have probably frequented a Starbucks. A $4 coffee just seems quite excessive, right? Well if you were to open the menu at Terra Bite you would see that there are no prices in the menu. Ervin Peretz and Susie Allsup hatched the idea of a "free coffee shop" whilst intoxicated in Vietnam. Basically you are obligated to give a donation for the coffee and according to Peretz, a 37 year old Google programmer, most visitors drop around $3 in the anonymous drop box.
Labels: Free, Google, Social Monitoring
The pace of change in India is supercharged because the country is catching up to, and in some cases leapfrogging, developments that took decades to play out elsewhere.
Are you an entrepreneur? You might be. Inside you there just might be an entrepreneur waiting to tear out. Here are the top 10 ways to know if you’re an entrepreneur.
Why cardboard? Besides being beautiful and comfortable, our furniture is made in the USA from environmentally friendly materiels using a minimal-impact production process with no harmful industrial waste. All our products are manufactured, sold and shipped from, part of family-owned Levy Design and Manufacturing, LLC out of Chapel Hill, NC, located just outside the heart of the furniture manufacturing industry. Our mission is to make and sell the highest quality modern furniture at affordable prices. Our furniture pieces are beautiful, durable and comfortable pieces of functional art.
let it takes a while but its a sweet pic of space and the world.
As the title says, PSP FW3.11 has already been pwned. Kudos to Team C+D. :D
Labels: Playstation, PSP, Sony
For $30 you can spend the night in a coffin sized capsule. Hey, if all you need is a place to sleep, it's the best deal in town!
It's got 13 quad-core machines hooked up to his 42-inch Philips Ambilight TV, all running a rig sitting on top of a crazy hydraulic setup that moves with the action. Seriously, $230,000 is more than some flying lessons would cost? Seems to me if you have that much cash to toss around and you really want to fly, you can fly.
If astronauts have had space sex, it would have been very difficult. First off, there isn't much privacy up there. A regular shuttle is about as big as a 737, and the two main areas—the crew cabin and middeck—are each the size of a small office. The bathroom is little more than a seat with a curtain, and there aren't any closed rooms..
By: bossmanthe | Thursday, February 8, 2007 at 5:18:00 PM | |
here are four-and-a-half slices of bread in your glass of wine and three-and-a-half slices of bread in your Grapetiser - in terms of kiljoules, that is. Shocked? Read on.
Labels: Health, South Africa
Bill banning iPods and cellphones on New York City streets coming
By: bossmanthe | Wednesday, February 7, 2007 at 4:56:00 PM | |
Labels: Casino, Child Birth, Gamling
The world of design can be a ruthless one; you get lured into developing anti-social habits like font-spotting and source-code peeping. Learn to spot the warning signs in time – you know you're becoming a design geek when...
I found this on my travels and really liked the idea behind it. Freecycle was actually referred to in this article found here. This guy refurbishes old iPods and then offers them on to people in his community.
Labels: community, technology
Experience the moon just as the astronauts did - almost as you were there. View interactive QuickTime VR Panoramas in full-screen from the 6 Apollo Missions who landed on moon.
Labels: photography, space, technology
By: bossmanthe | Tuesday, February 6, 2007 at 4:04:00 PM | |
This office building, built in the early part of the 20th century, is less than 6′ wide (1.8 meters or 70.86 inches). Check out the pictures...
Labels: architecture, offbeat news
I was thinking of a solution to a business problem recently when Occam’s Razor popped into my head (In Layman’s terms Occam’s Razor states: "All things being equal, the simplest solution tends to be the best one.") And that got me thinking about the opposing forces of logic and self interest in business.
Labels: Business
Labels: Internet, technology
As business owners think up new ways to get attention, their customers are taking notice.
Labels: Marketing, Promotions
Bad day for Toyota.
Labels: Advertising, Marketing
Dear Kevin
I really dig digg I have been a Digg user for little over a year and find myself opening up at least 5 times a day. I have so many different browsing pattern depending on my particular preference at the time but lately I find that I can’t really can’t use it properly anymore. Who has the time to wade through 1000 random 1 digg entries that bloggers can’t even get their mothers to dig on their behalf. On behalf of your community I ask (actually beg) for a filter on upcoming diggs by the minimum number of diggs at my choosing. When I have time I’ll wade through the 1 digg wonders but please give me the tools to know what 2, 3 or 5 of my fellow diggers have found interesting lately. The gap between the front page and the interesting stuff is widening give us some control back
Regards ………..
By: bossmanthe | Thursday, February 1, 2007 at 1:55:00 PM | |
Akihabara retailer Sangatsu Usagi is selling unofficial PLAYSTATION 3 sauce. The phony product lambasts Sony for recent goofs. It features an illustration of Ken Kutaragi, notice of the SIXAXIS Emmy fiasco and the promised one million shipment number. There are even 20GB and 60GB versions of the sauce!
Labels: Playstation, PS3, Sony
Why Don't We Drive On The Same Side Of The Road Around The World?