My favorite quotes from Futurama (so far)
BENDER: I am trying to watch my input. I need plenty of wholesome nutritious alcohol.
*downs a drink*
The chemical energy keeps my fuels cells recharged.
*lights a cigar*
FRY: What are the cigars for?
BENDER: They make me look cool.
FRY: Well, this place has everything except the only thing I care about a TV.
BENDER: You know fry, of all the friends I have had, you're the first.
(Hanging in Fry's house):
30 GOTO 10
(To determine if Fry and Leila are human or not)
Robot Guard1: Administer the test.
Robot Gaurd 2 (Stepping forward): Which of the following would you most prefer?
A. A puppy.
B. A flower from your sweetie.
C. A large properly formatted data file.
Robot Guard 1: Choose!
BENDER (dreaming): Hey sexy mama... Wanna kill all humans?
Labels: humour
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Don't forget Fry's first trip to the moon:
FRY: Ooh! Can I do the countdown? Please?
LEELA: Oh, alright.
FRY: Ten!
FRY: Nine!
FRY: Eight!
FRY: Seven!
*The Planet Expresship blasts off and is almost instantly at the moon*
FRY: Sixfivefourthreetwooneblastoff.
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