Buy one Porsche get one free!
The Sales and Marketing manager of a Californian Porsche dealership is on the hunt for a new job. Glen Fergusson had the bright spark idea of offering a free Porsche when you bought one from the dealership. They ended up selling a whopping 18 in the first hour of opening but clearly made some serious losses on the sales.
"I admit I didn't really do the numbers properly on this one" said Glen who told reporters that he had "seen the concept work really well for coffee stores"
Bruce Stepper was one of the lucky few to take advantage of the promo and went on to sell the second Porsche on EBay. This meant that he paid a measley $5,000 for his Porsche 911. Another lucky buyer took out a low income finance plan offered by the dealership and ended up selling both the cars and keeping a tidy $120,000 in profit. Yup, Glen was also the genius who came up with that finance plan!
"I have never really been too good at Math and I was sure the whole time we were making money - I was initially blown away by the amount of cars we were selling in that first hour. I had seen the "buy one get one free card" work extremely well for the new coffee shop down the road and thought what a great idea I will try it here."
[via Stuffed]